My #nasatweetup is back on track

Well for a moment there it didn’t look like it was going to happen. This once in a lifetime opportunity would have slipped through my grasp.

Because it appears while I listened to the warning about booking flexible flights on the way out, i appear to have forgotten on the way in.

Meaning that the people at the travel agency I had booked with were refusing to change them at all.

Luckily a half hour-long call to Continental Airlines later and all is well in the world again. I can’t remember the name of the American I was speaking to but I owe this to you. Right from picking up the call she was all about how she COULD MAYBE change the flight, rather than COMPLETELY COULDN’T as the Brit i spoke to repeatedly told me.

The moral of the story for me, check your terms and conditions for both legs of your journey. The moral of the story for NASA, check your bloomin diary next time you’re planning on shooting something into space

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